Students discovering Opera’s professions
This year, the CAE service (cultural and artistic education) of the Opera welcomes Marie Wanziniack, apprentice of the occupational training for professions of performing arts. During this season, Marie implements and follows several cultural actions.
Among these, a project to raise awareness of the Opera’s technical professions was proposed to the second-year students of the Multimedia and Internet Professions of the IUT Charlemagne. They thus met several technical professionals of the Opera in order to build educational sheets on their jobs. These sheets will serve as a didactic support for all audiences of cultural action.
“The first pedagogical aim of this project is to make known the technical professions of the Opera to students who are destined, for some of them, to work in the technical universe of the audiovisual, and for others in communication. Through the media they will have to create, the second aim will be to be able to transmit the fruit of these meetings to the audiences who will subsequently visit the Opera.”
The Turn of the Screw seen by the young people of DAMIER
Since February, several young people from DAMIER - Association REALISE have been taking part in a film project linked to the opera The Turn of the Screw. The aim? To create a short horror film, from script to direction! An adventure that also allows the young people to discover and understand this multi-faceted work ok literature, opera and film. This project is also led by Marie Wanziniack. She explains:
"Working with the young people of DAMIER is a real exchange for me, they are passionate about so many things. The aim is for them to appropriate the universe and atmosphere of horror by taking Benjamin Britten's The Turn of the Screw as a starting point, while at the same time taking an interest in the literary work of Henry James (The Turn of the Screw) and the cinematographic work of Jack Clayton (The Innocents). By accompanying them as much as possible and teaching them the codes of short film making (on the basis of a film set), I gave them the opportunity to create this film from A to Z, going through all the stages and not losing sight of the original work, even if the result will be very personal.”
Testimonies of young people:
“If I had to do it all over again, I would do it again and again. I would like Marie to continue to show all the different aspects of this profession to all those who have not had the chance to experience this magical moment with us.” Franck
“This project of a few days was for me a leisure full of pleasure. To tell the truth, participating in this adventure allowed me to have a lot of experiences […].” Moussa
After an introduction to editing, the film will be screened at DAMIER on 28 April. As an extension of this experience, the group of young people will visit the Opera House.
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